Effective October 1st 2024 all Credit/Debit card payments will incur a convenience fee set forth by our Merchant. To avoid these fees you can drop off a check, cash or money order at City Hall. We have 2 drop boxes you can utilize for after business hours. The mail box by the road and entrance into the parking lot located on Park St or the one on the wall by the entrance door of City Hall.
1st Quarter(January) billing has been released and sent to the post office. If you have used the online portal, it sends you an email that the bills are ready, but you will still receive a paper bill in the mail. We now have the option to go completely paperless if you choose. We would just need to update your email and delivery method in our billing software. To do so please contact Erin at City Hall to make these changes at 386-228-2393 or email vendors@lakehelen.org
If you have auto draft set up, that will be effected by the delayed billing of this quarter. Please be sure to double check that those auto drafts are processed before the due date of this bill which is February 12th.
Any questions please call City Hall 386-228-2121 Ext 1